Vase “Germania” Nikolaus Kannhauser Amphora um 1900

SKU 953

Vase “Germania” (allegory of Germany), model no. 630, Nikolaus Kannhäuser, Amphora Riessner, Stellmacher & Kessel, ca. 1900

  • Height: 36cm
  • Width: 19cm
  • Date: 1900 to 1905
    Epoch: Art Nouveau and Art Nouveau
    Technique: "ivory porcelain", colorfully glazed, enamel painting, gold painting
    marked with “AMPHORA” in the ellipse, the company stamp “Turn-Teplitz Bohemia RSTK”, impressed model number “630” and artist monogram “NK” for Nikolaus Kannhäuser; Bib.: cf. Richard L. Scott (Hg.), “Ceramics from the House of Amphora 1890-1915”, Sidney/Ohio 2004, p. 92.
    20.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 953

    This portrait vase entitled ‘Germania’, designed by Nikolaus Kannhäuser, is part of Amphora’s Allegories series, which focuses on the depiction of major European powers.

    Our object is characterised above all by its impressive size, its elegant shape and the elaborate hand-painting with gilded natural motifs. The elaborate coloured underglaze, on which the portrait is shown to its best advantage, depicts an autumnal birch forest.

    It depicts a woman in half-profile, whose aesthetics are reminiscent of works by Alphonse Mucha and whose head is framed by a golden aura typical of Art Nouveau. The vase takes its name ‘Germania’ from the eagle perched on the woman’s skilfully crafted helmet: the allegory for the German Empire, such depictions were very popular in the period around 1900 and are often recurring motifs.

    Allegories of other nations, such as Austria, France or Russia, were also widespread and can certainly be seen as a symbol of the growing chauvinism of the major European powers of the time.

    The products of the Amphora-Werke Riessner Stellmacher & Kessel from Turn-Teplitz are still among the highest quality and most sought-after objects from the Art Nouveau period.

    Vase “Germania” Nikolaus Kannhauser Amphora um 1900

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