Secessionist table lamp with Loetz glass Creta Papillon

SKU 701 , , ,

Secessionist table lamp with Loetz glass, Johann Loetz Witwe, Creta Papillon decoration, ca. 1900

  • Height: 59cm
  • Length: 51cm
  • Width: 51cm
  • Date: 1900
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: Bronze, cast, patinated; Loetz-glass inlays
    8.200,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 701 , , ,

    The use of glass in the context of metal arts and crafts was a popular style element in Jugendstil. Be it lamps, candlesticks or inkwells, the combination of these two materials created an exciting works of art. The fragility of the glass acts as a counterpoint to the heaviness of the metal.

    This bronze lamp bears a stylized rose, known as “Glasgow Rose”, on the base as well as on the upper part of the stem. This was mainly used by artists of the British Arts and Crafts movement. However, it also made its way to Vienna and Düsseldorf as a result of the lively international artistic exchange. This lamp was probably designed either in Vienna or in Düsseldorf. The Creta Papillon glass from the Loetz manufacture perfectly matches the patinated bronze. The expansive, wide shade gives the lamp a strong presence and makes it an eye-catcher in any living space.

    Secessionist table lamp with Loetz glass Creta Papillon

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