
Portrait Vase Amphora ca. 1899

SKU A41 ,

Portrait vase, Amphora Riessner, Stellmacher & Kessel, ca. 1899, ivory porcelain, marked

  • Height: 34cm
  • Width: 13cm
  • Date: 1899 to 1900
    Technique: light biscuit (ivory porcelain), colorfully glazed, enamel painting, gold painting
    marked with „TURN TEPLITZ BOHEMIA RStK Made in Austria“ burnt in, embossed „AMPHORA“, press stamp “456” and directly below „D“ Bib.: Cf. Richard L. Scott (ed.), Ceramics from the House of Amphora 1890-1915, Sidney/Ohio 2004, p. 86, 321.
    8.500,00 incl. VAT
    SKU A41 ,

    This extraordinary portrait vase made of so-called “ivory porcelain” combines all those qualities that made vases of Amphora-Werke so desirable already in the 19th century: highest quality in design, form and execution. Depicted in delicate lines is the idealized profile of a young woman with wavy blond hair. From the magnificent mane emerge isolated strands of hair, which are artfully and playfully represented by wavy ornamental lines. The nature scenery in the background, consisting of trees and bushes, underlines the harmonious color gradients in matte brown, beige and gold tones. The sophisticated use of color accents, such as the pink and orange tips of the green leaves and vines, must be emphasized. They create exciting contrasts within the overall picture. Rich in detail, the wonderful enamel painting decorates just those accents again in golden color. The apparent elegance, reminiscent of the “Style-Mucha” female figure, is also transferred to the phenomenal form – an absolute highlight of this work of art.

    Portrait Vase Amphora ca. 1899

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