Loetz vase unidentified decoration ca. 1914-1940

SKU 705 , Tags , ,

Vase, Johann Loetz Witwe, unidentified decoration, ca. 1914-1940

  • Height: 26.5cm
  • Width: 12cm
  • Date: 1914 to 1940
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: glass, mould-blown and freeform, reduced and iridescent
    3.300,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 705 , Tags , ,

    This glass artwork is a particularly elegant example from the late production of the Johann Loetz Witwe glass manufacture. Since the artists at Loetz were always open to new influences, they experimented with a variety of different decoration variations. Fortunately, a considerable proportion of those decorations could be assigned to the company without any doubt on the basis of the remaining cut patterns.
    However, some decoration variants have not yet been studied unequivocally. These variants are called “unidentified decorations”. Our exciting object with the triple wavy opening and the silvery-golden shimmer also bears an unidentified decoration. The stylish decoration presented here gives the impression of dynamic brush strokes on the flower calyx-like shape of this vase.

    Loetz vase unidentified decoration ca. 1914-1940

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