
Loetz Vase Silberiris with snake decoration ca. 1903

SKU 646 ,

Vase, Silberiris with snake decoration, Johann Loetz Witwe, ca. 1903

  • Length: 17cm
  • Width: 15cm
  • Date: 1903 to 1903
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: Glass, mould-blown and freeform, reduced and iridescent
    Bib.: Cf. A. Adlerova, E. Ploil, H. Ricke, T. Vlcek (ed.), Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, vol. I, Werkmonographie, Prestel publ., Munich 1989, p. 153.
    3.200,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 646 ,

    With its various forms and decorations, the Bohemian glass manufacturer Loetz not only demonstrated its sheer diversity within the production facility, but also made an independent contribution to the international development as well as presence of Art Nouveau glass with its artistic vases.

    With its rare, yet equally highly crafted, animalistic designs as well as zoomorphic figures and shapes, the glassblowing workshop made such a contribution to the form culture in the Art Nouveau movement. This model-blown and subsequently free-formed vase is a magnificent piece that demonstrates the fine craftsmanship of Loetz’s glassblowers.

    The bulbous shape of this 17cm tall vase brings out the radiant Silberiris decoration in all its hues. Both the applied snake applique and the glass vase are finished with silver yellow powder fusions, bringing out the amazing effect of the iridescent rainbow colors. Whether it is due to the radiance of an entire color palette or the outstanding shape complete with its animal motif, this work of art rightfully claims the attention of any viewer.

    Loetz Vase Silberiris with snake decoration ca. 1903

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