Loetz vase decor PG 3/430 ca. 1903

SKU A16 ,

Vase with decor Phenomen Genre 3/430 Zitrongelb (lemon yellow), Johann Loetz Witwe, ca. 1903

  • Height: 17cm
  • Width: 11cm
  • Date: 1903 to 1905
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: glass, mouth-blown, reduced and iridescent
    Bib.: Passauer Glasmuseum (ed.), Bohemian Glass 1700-1950. Volume IV, Jugendstil in Bohemia, Tittling 1995, p. 53
    Price on request
    SKU A16 ,

    Our vase bears the decor called Phenomen Genre 3/430, which was designed in 1903. Its sober shape draws the attention to the elaborate surface design. Oval spots created with metal salts and warped threads rhythmically alternate and warp around the vase. These highly iridescent decorative elements stand out against the lemon yellow background, offering the viewer a colorful play of light.

    Loetz vase decor PG 3/430 ca. 1903

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