Goblet Hans Bolek Loetz Opal außen Schwarz ca. 1915

SKU 56 ,

Goblet, Hans Bolek, Johann Loetz Witwe, Opal außen Schwarz decoration, ca. 1915

  • Height: 18cm
  • Width: 16.5cm
  • Date: 1915 to 1916
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: glass, mould-blown, etched decor
    Bib.: com. decor in E. Ploil, H. Ricke e.a. (ed.), „Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940“, Werkmonographie, vol. I, Prestel, Munich 1989, p. 284; E. Ploil, H. Ricke e.a. (ed.), Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, Band 2, Musterschnitte, Prestel Verlag, Munich 1989, paper pattern goblet mod. no. III-805, p. 233; see Hans Bolek in E. Ploil, im Kinsky Editionen (ed.), „Wiener Gläser. Österreichischer Werkbund, Köln 1914“, Vienna 2014, p. 116-147
    16.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 56 ,

    Between 1912 and 1917, the architect Hans Bolek supplied numerous form and decor designs for the glass manufactory Johann Loetz Witwe. In the run-up to the Werkbund exhibition in Cologne in 1914, he also intensively studied the historical vessel shape of the goblet, as evidenced by some of the designs realized for this exhibition.

    Here Bolek once again varies the theme of the decor “Opal außen Schwarz” and places the distinctive heart-shaped motif on the shaft of the goblet. He retains the division into a vegetal-ornamental and a geometrically structured part and additionally staircases the vase several times. With the stepping he anticipates what was to become a modern stylistic element in Art Deco a few years later.


    Hans Bolek (Vienna 1890 – 1978 Vienna) was an Austrian architect and designer. Born in Vienna in 1890, he studied at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts with Josef Hoffmann from 1906 to 1910. At the same time, he was also an employee in the studio of Otto Prutscher. In 1910, Bolek became self-employed as an architect and in 1914 he was a founding member of the Austrian Werkbund. He provided designs for buildings and, as a versatile designer, created furniture, ceramics, glass and jewellery. After the Second World War, Bolek taught at the Vienna Fashion School from 1946 to 1962 and worked as a painter and graphic artist. Bolek died in Vienna in 1978.

    Glass collectors know the name Bolek because of his glass designs for the company Johann Loetz Witwe. Between 1912 and 1917, Bolek created numerous designs for form and decoration for the Loetz glass manufacture, including vessels that were explicitly intended for presentation at the famous Werkbund exhibition in Cologne in 1914. These so-called “Werkbundgläser” are not only an impressive testimony of technical mastery, their modern decors also differ fundamentally from the Jugendstil décors of the “phenomenon genres” from the Loetz company.

    Goblet Hans Bolek Loetz Opal außen Schwarz ca. 1915

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