Glass vase Pezzato Fulvio Bianconi Venini ca. 1951

SKU 363

Glass vase Pezzato, series “Parigi”, Fulvio Bianconi, Venini e Co. , ca. 1951, original company label

  • Height: 24cm
  • Width: 15.5cm
  • Date: 1951 to 1955
    Epoch: Mid-Century Design
    Technique: Glass, red, green, sapphire and transparent mosaic elements (tesserae-technique)
    Original company label “Venini” at the bottomBib: Marc Heiremans, “Murano Glass. Themes and Variations” (1910-1970), Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart 2002, p. 45;Marino Barovier, Carla Sonego (ed.), “Fulvio Bianconi at Venini”, Skira publ., Milano 2016, p. 163
    12.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 363

    The “Pezzato” vases are among the most significant objects designed by Fulvio Bianconi for the company Venini & Co. For this series, he used the tessere-method, an ancient technique used in the antiquity before the invention of the glass blowing pipe. The production takes place in several steps. First, the colored glass pieces are arranged on a flat plate, usually in geometric patterns. They are then melted, connecting the individual elements with each other. A separately prepared blown form, made of colorless glass, is then rolled over the tessere-plate to transfer the pattern to the mold.
    The objects from the Pezzato series, whose name derives from the Italian word for patchwork, are an embodiment of the Tessere-method. Venini & Co had already had similar designs in their assortment since the 1920s, but Fulvio Bianconi revived this motif and gave it a timeless design. He started designing the Pezzato series in 1951 and named the models after cities and continents. Our vase with its red, green, sapphire and straw-coloured mosaic elements bears the Italian name of the French capital Parigi.


    Fulvio Bianconi (Padua 1915 – 1996 Milan) was an Italian artist and designer. Bianconi worked all his life as a graphic designer and art director for major Italian publishing houses and companies. He claimed that painting was his great love and glass art his favourite hobby. He has been intensively involved with glass since 1946, when he repeatedly visited the Italian glass island of Murano. Together with Venetian glassblowers, he experimented with new glass techniques. This enabled him to reinterpret old methods of glass production in his modern designs (e.g. “Tessere” process). Over decades, he designed vessels, objects and figures for various glass manufacturers. His collaboration with Paolo Venini was exceptional. Today for example, his “pezzato vases” are iconic objects of modern glass design. Characteristics of Bianconi’s designs are inexhaustible creativity and vibrant colourfulness paired with applied joy of experimentation. “Fazzoletto” or “Pezzato” vases by Fulvio Bianconi are familiar to every collector of mid-century glass.

    Glass vase Pezzato Fulvio Bianconi Venini ca. 1951

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