Floral still life Jean Dufy 1927

SKU 1000

Painting, Still Life with Bouquet of Flowers, Jean Dufy (1888 – 1964), oil on canvas, 1927, signed and dated

  • Height: 32cm
  • Width: 30cm
  • Date: 1927
    Technique: oil on canvas
    signed “Jean Dufy” and dated “27”; Expertise by Jacques Baily; will be included in the supplementary volume of the catalog raisonné
    40.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 1000

    Jean Dufy was born in Le Havre, France, into an extremely artistically talented family. He sold his first works of art at the Cercle de l’Art Moderne in 1907 and moved to Paris after his military service in 1912. There he moved in the artistic circles of Montmartre and was acquainted with
    Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso and André Derain, among others. His pictorial language is characterized above all by a cheerful, luminous colorfulness. Jean Dufy’s works can be seen in important collections and museums worldwide, such as the Albertina in Vienna, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the MOMA in New York. Works with floral still lifes are rare in his oeuvre. The composition is masterful; the brushstrokes are strong and vivid.

    Floral still life Jean Dufy 1927

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