
Ceramic Cachepot Susi Singer Wiener Werkstatte ca. 1928

SKU 32 Tag

Ceramic cachepot, Susi Singer, Wiener Werkstatte, ca. 1928, marked

  • Height: 13cm
  • Width: 15cm
  • Date: 1925 to 1930
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: Red ceramics, colorfully glazed
    Marked with "WW", "MADE IN/AUSTRIA", "928" Bib.: Waltraud Neuwirth (ed.), „Wiener Werkstätte. Katalog 1928“, author's edition Dr. Waltraud Neuwirth, Vienna 2004, p. 18.
    2.800,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 32 Tag

    The Wiener Werkstätte was not only artistically very progressive, but also on a societal level, as many female artists worked there. Especially in the ceramics department, one could find female designers like Vally Wieselthier, Gudrun Baudisch and Susi Singer, who were eager to experiment.
    Susi Singer studied at the Kunstschule für Frauen und Mädchen (Art school for women and girls) under various renowned designers such as Adolf Boehm. In 1917, she was brought to the Wiener Werkstätte by Josef Hoffmann. After her time at the Wiener Werkstätte, she founded her own ceramics workshop in Grünbach am Schneeberg in Austria.
    In this piece, Susi Singer combines figurative representations with utilitarian ceramics. She creates an exciting contrast between minimalist form and elaborate decoration. The latter shows a landscape with various elements distributed on different levels. The figures, a horse, a flower and two people, are embossed, while the background, pasture and sky, are flat. Several recesses on the sides give the object additional depth. Susi Singer plays with the different levels and thus creates a very haptic cachepot.

    Ceramic Cachepot Susi Singer Wiener Werkstatte ca. 1928

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