Wall mirror Werkstatte Hagenauer late 1930s

SKU 620

Wall mirror, Werkstatte Hagenauer Wien, late 1930s, marked

  • Height: 24.5cm
  • Width: 20.5cm
  • Date: 1935 to 1938
    Epoch: Art Deco
    Technique: Brass, cast, polished
    marked: "HAGENAUER WIEN", "wHw" in the circle, "Handmade" and "MADE IN VIENNA AUSTRIA"
    1.800,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 620

    Dynamism and reduction to the essentials – this is what constitutes the objects of Werkstatte Hagenauer Wien. Based on these characteristics, one can recognize both serially executed utilitarian objects as well as unique artistic pieces by the Hagenauer brothers.
    This elegant wall mirror was also reduced to the essence, making it an early pioneer of the minimalist design movement, which emerged in the 1960s. Hidden behind the downward tapering mirror plate is the object’s only ornament, a playful loop. The latter also serves as a suspension to attach the mirror to the wall. Thus, in typical Hagenauer fashion, function and aesthetics are harmoniously combined here.


    Wall mirror Werkstatte Hagenauer late 1930s

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