Vase Josef Hoffmann Loetz Orange Opal außen Schwarz 1911 or 1914

SKU 965

Vase, Orange Opal Aussen Schwarz decoration, Josef Hoffmann, Johann Loetz Witwe, one of only two pieces, executed either 1911 or 1914

  • Height: 8.5cm
  • Width: 11.5cm
  • Date: 1911 to 1914
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: glass, mould-blown, etched decoration
    Bib.: A. Adlerova, E. Ploil, H. Ricke, T. Vlcek (ed.), Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, vol. I, Werkmonographie, Prestel publ., Munich 1989, p. 271 (similar vase in the museum Bergreichenstein); A. Adlerova, E. Ploil, H. Ricke, T. Vlcek (ed.), Loetz – Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, vol. II, paper pattern catalogue, Prestel, Munich 1989, paper pattern 8031, p. 218.; Jitka Lnenickova, Loetz/Series II. Paper Patterns for Glass from 1900 to 1914, Museum Sumavy, Susice 2011, no. II-8031, p. 755. Waltraud Neuwirth, Loetz Austria 1905-1918. Glass, self-published Dr. Waltraud Neuwirth, Vienna 1986, depiction 303, p. 323.
    34.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 965

    In the early 1910s, Josef Hoffmann had reached the peak of his creative powers. He was very well connected in the art scene of the time and carried out commissions for both private individuals and the state. The etched glass vases that he had made by the Loetz glass manufactory for the winter exhibition at the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry in 1911 are certainly among his most important decorative arts designs from this period.

    While some designs of this period were so popular that they were produced in large quantities, there were also models that Loetz could only produce in very small numbers for representative purposes due to the costly manufacturing process.

    Our vase in “orange opal with black” belongs to the second category. It was only produced twice in this color combination: once in 1911 and once in 1914, making this possibly the last existing example of the design. This vase is the most important glass object by Josef Hoffmann that we have ever been able to offer in our gallery.

    Vase Josef Hoffmann Loetz Orange Opal außen Schwarz 1911 or 1914

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