Two corner display cabinets Josef Emanuel Margold attr. school of Josef Hoffmann late 1910s

SKU 1073 ,

Two corner display cabinets, school of Josef Hoffmann, Emanuel Josef Margold attr., execution August Ungethüm Möbelfabrik Wien, late 1910s

  • Height: 171cm
  • Length: 54cm
  • Width: 109cm
  • Date: 1910 to 1920
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: limed oak, restored
    18.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 1073 ,

    Emanuel Josef Margold (1888 – 1962) was an Austrian architect and designer. He studied at the k.k. Kunstgewerbeschule and attended the architecture class of Professor Josef Hoffmann. As a teacher at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Vienna, Josef Hoffmann trained some very talented architects and designers. His unmistakable style influenced several generations of artists and had a long-lasting effect. During his student days, Margold took part in numerous competitions, which brought him his first successes. Among other things, Margold assisted Josef Hoffmann at the Wiener Werkstätte from 1909/10.

    Two corner display cabinets Josef Emanuel Margold attr. school of Josef Hoffmann late 1910s

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