Rooster Franz Hagenauer Werkstatte Hagenauer Wien ca. 1940

SKU 58

Rooster in resin technique, Franz Hagenauer, Werkstatte Hagenauer Vienna, ca. 1940, mod. No. 596, marked

  • Height: 33cm
  • Width: 22cm
  • Date: 1940 to 1949
    Epoch: Art Deco
    Technique: Brass and synthetic resin
    Signed with "Handmade", "Hagenauer Wien", "wHw" in the circle, "Made in Austria"; Contemporary photograph in the Hagenauer Archive at Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, inv. no. HAF 1290
    3.200,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 58

    Franz Hagenauer liked to experiment with different materials. He took an enamel class at the Wiener-Kunstgewerbeschule and was fond of working with different techniques. In the 1940ies he discovered a technique that involved filling the spaces between his brass sculptures with colorful resin. He mostly produced animal depictions or religious subjects with this craft.
    Our colorful rooster is from that time. It is made out of brass, filled with resin and partly lacquered in black. Because of the nature of the material the resin shows two small und two larger cracks.


    Rooster Franz Hagenauer Werkstatte Hagenauer Wien ca. 1940

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