Pair of panels “Demeter und Dionysus” Georg Klimt ca. 1900

SKU 917 , ,

Pair of reliefs, Dionysus and Demeter, Georg Klimt (1867 – 1931), copper, chased and silver-plated, ca. 1900

  • Height: 48cm
  • Width: 15cm
  • Date: 1900
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: copper, chased, silver-plated
    28.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 917 , ,

    Georg Klimt’s excellent craftsmanship in metal sculpting was acknowledged and valued by his contemporaries, first and foremost by his older brother Gustav Klimt, and within the Secession movement itself.

    Georg Klimt executed works commissioned by the Wiener Werkstätte, by respected Viennese cabinetmakers, as well as designs by Carl Otto Czeschka and Gustav Klimt. The two doors of the Secession building designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich were also executed by this leading master of sculpture.

    Our pair of reliefs impresses with their masterly quality of craftsmanship. Such reliefs were often originally intended to decorate high-quality cabinetwork. Particularly striking is the choice of the tall format of the narrow copper works, reminiscent of typical Art Nouveau posters around 1900.

    Pair of panels “Demeter und Dionysus” Georg Klimt ca. 1900

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