Pair of candelabras Franz Hagenauer Werkstatte Hagenauer Vienna ca. 1930

SKU 545 ,

Pair of candelabras “Tree”, Franz Hagenauer, Werkstatte Hagenauer Vienna, around 1930, mod. No. 2176, marked

  • Height: 52cm
  • Width: 21cm
  • Date: 1930 to 1950
    Epoch: Art Deco
    Technique: Brass, soldered, polished, nickel-plated
    marked with “HAGENAUER/WIEN”, “wHw” in the circle and “MADE IN/AUSTRIA”; Bib.: Olga Kronsteiner, Monika Wenzl-Bachmeier (ed.), „Hagenauer – Viennese Modernism and New Realism“, exhibition catalogue, Vienna, 2011, p. 64; contemporary photograph in the Hagenauer Archive at Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, inv. no. HAF 210 and HAF 191
    18.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 545 ,

    Franz and Karl Hagenauer won the gold medal at the 1930 Milan Triennale for their design of a candelabrum named “Baum” (transl. tree).
    The design of the carefully welded brass tube with four arms and loosely resting candle holders on a round plinth was virtually trend-setting for its time. This early design piece was to become one of Hagenauer’s most successful models; the candelabrum was available in brass and nickel-plated brass. The reduced form language and the architectural design attracted a lot of media attention in 1930 and is still a sought-after design classic today.


    Pair of candelabras Franz Hagenauer Werkstatte Hagenauer Vienna ca. 1930

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