N.D.C.M. Fröhlich Matera in the Sky 3D 2021

SKU 790

N.D.C.M. Fröhlich, Matera in the Sky 3D, Collage on Fine Art Giclee with gold leaf, Edition 12, 2021

  • Height: 75cm
  • Width: 55cm
  • Date: 2021
    Epoch: Contemporary Arts
    Technique: 3D collage on Fine Art Giclee, gold leaf, two layers of glass
    3.500,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 790

    The birth of the three-dimensional works by N.D.C.M. took place in his flying series “Castles in the Sky“. The photographs used in this series were captured around 1900 using photographic glass plates. The fine art giclee technique – a high-quality inkjet printing technique – enables the artist not only to work with old photographs from the 19th and 20th century, but even to enlarge them.

    The motifs are then cut out with a scalpel. The drop-shadows generated by the separation of the image into layers gives each three dimensional work an exciting sense of depth and dynamism. The motifs reflect both N.D.C.M.‘s love of castles, palaces and ancient architecture and his passion for traveling and discovering new places. The accumulated experiences from his various journeys across the globe form an inexhaustible source of inspiration, which N.D.C.M. channels into his art and captures for posterity.

    N.D.C.M. Fröhlich Matera in the Sky 3D 2021

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