
Loetz Vase Medici Blue Opal ca. 1902

SKU A49 , ,

Vase, Johann Loetz Witwe, Medici Blue Opal decoration, ca. 1902

Date: 1902
Epoch: Art Nouveau
Technique: glass, mouth-blown, reduced and iridescent
9.900,00 incl. VAT
SKU A49 , ,

The decor “Phenomen Genre 2/484” was extremely popular during the production period of the Loetz glassworks. The different basic colors in combination with the strongly iridescent silver crumbled tongues bring out the iridescence of the surface particularly well. This is why this decoration is usually found on large and bulky vases.

The individual basic colors were not executed equally often and vases with a blue base are very rare. The unusual size and perfect floral shape are also exceptional in this object. The sophisticated play of colors of iridescence on the cobalt blue base is particularly charming.

Loetz Vase Medici Blue Opal ca. 1902

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