Quadriga Jörg Immendorf 1983

SKU 413

Quadriga (Café Deutschland), Jörg Immendorf (1945-2007), linocut and acrylic on paper, 1983 signed

  • Height: 156cm
  • Length: 102cm
  • Date: 1983 to 1983
    Epoch: Contemporary Arts
    Technique: linocut, acrylic on paper
    Signed and dated lower right „Immendorff 83“ Bib.: “Jörg Immendorf – graphic works”, publishing group Geuer & Breckner GmbH (publ.), 2006
    23.000,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 413

    When talking about German modern art one cannott ignore the name Jörg Immendorff. He was one of the most important post-war artists and worked as an artistic actionist, painter, graphic artist and set designer.
    One of his central topics in the oeuvre of the very political artist was the question of the relevance of art in today’s society. His “Café Deutschland” works (1977-1983), one of his most important picture cycles, had the division of Germany as a leitmotif. The piece “Quadriga” from 1983 resulted from a detail of the linocut “Gut” from the above-mentioned cycle.
    In “Quadriga”, Immendorff modifies the right third part of the original work and emphasizes new details of the ambiguous work with the usage of overpainting in red, blue and yellow. In reference to the horse and cart on the “Brandenburger Tor”, a symbol of the Cold War, he entitled the sheet with “Quadriga”. In addition, he highlights the communist manifest in blue but simultaneously overpaints its author, Karl Marx, and the portraits of the other two spiritual leaders of communism, Stalin and Lenin. In summarization, this work is highly interesting due to the high amount of symbolism and implications and reveals more and more details on every observation.

    Quadriga Jörg Immendorf 1983

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