Inkwell “Repos” Gustav Gurschner ca. 1900

SKU 822 ,

Inkwell “Repos” (rest), Gustav Gurschner, probably Paris World Exhibition 1900

  • Height: 14.5cm
  • Length: 14cm
  • Width: 35.5cm
  • Date: 1900
    Epoch: Art Nouveau
    Technique: bronze, cast; wood plinth; original glass cup from 1900
    marked “GURSCHNER”, “VIENNE”, “1900” and “REPOS” Bib.: depicted in the catalogue raisonné Gustav Gurschner, inv. no. GG-1900008; inkwell mentioned in “Die Kunst-Halle”, No.2, 1900/1901, Berlin, p.326; compare inkwell depicted in “L’ art décoratif: revue de l’art ancien et de la vie artistique moderne”, August 1900, p.195.
    6.500,00 incl. VAT
    SKU 822 ,

    This bronze inkwell was created in the context of the 1900 Paris World Exhibition. We see this in the markings “VIENNE” and “REPOS” in French language and in its year of creation “1900”. During a two-year stay in Paris, Gustav Gurschner came into contact with the sculptures of Auguste Rodin, whose influence can be clearly seen in this object. The nude figure is depicted with great detail and emotion.

    The inkwell is described in 1900 in “Die Kunst-Halle”, a magazine for arts and crafts, as follows: “[…] an inkwell, which [Gurschner] calls “Repos”, depicts a half-inclined overturned barrel, against which, leaning with the head, a huddled figure sleeps.”. Further it is stated that his work “[…] always reveals a very fortunate connection between the creative idea and the utilitarian purpose of the object.”

    Inkwell “Repos” Gustav Gurschner ca. 1900

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